Knowles on problem-solving styles; head/ neck cancer signs; catching a baseball from a blimp

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

In Dr. Lisa Knowles' latest column, she asks where you fall on the problem-solving spectrum. Do you go along to get along (a "comply-er"), or do you ask questions about every move and decision made in the office (a "why-er")? She looks at both types and gives eight tips to get leadership feedback. Read her column here.

A neck mass and sore throat appear to be the initial symptoms in patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, and the symptoms appear to be associated with the human papillomavirus status of the tumors, according to a new study in JAMA Otolaryngology -- Head & Neck Surgery. Read more here.

In August 1939, an attempt to set a world record backfired, as baseball catcher Joe Sprinz suffered severe dental injuries trying to catch a baseball dropped from a blimp 800 feet overhead, losing eight teeth. As baseball season approaches, read Daniel Demers' article here.

Are you going to Anaheim, CA, in May for the CDA Presents? If so, what are you looking forward to and what would you like us cover. Let me know.

Upcoming this and next week are columns by Dr. Roger Levin and Carrie Ibbetson, RDH, as well as more on amalgam, and tomorrow look for our Practice Management Insider. If you'd like to sign up to receive the Insider, click here.

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