DGPA names new leader; Texas judge holds Medicaid payments; Doniger on 'new' equipment

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

A Texas judge upheld holds on Medicaid payments for Houston dental clinic Antoine Dental Care, citing credible evidence of Medicaid fraud. The clinics billed about $8.1 million for orthodontic services in less than three years. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's in-depth piece here.

A fortunate find at a flea market uncovered the true story of the dentist who hid along with Anne Frank before they were betrayed to the occupying Nazi forces. Read Daniel Demers fascinating article here.

This week, the Dental Group Practices Association (DGPA) announced the appointment of a new executive director, Quinn Dufurrena, DDS, JD. Dr. Dufurrena comes to the association with an extensive resume and background in dental fields. Read more of my discussion with Dr. Dufurrena here.

When it is finally time to replace or add equipment, how can you ensure that you know all that you need to know about it until you actually try to use it? Always ask for instructions, even if you think you know how it works, Dr. Sheri Doniger advises.

Tomorrow, look for commentary on the Texas Medicaid payment situation. We also continue our coverage of midlevel providers later this week.

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