Stem cells and cancers; new dental laser; when do you close your office?

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

If you consider yourself a general dentist, when is the last time you spoke with an endodontist? If you're an endodontist, when is the last time you reached out to local general dentists? As Associate Editor Rob Goszkowski's article discusses, while endodontists know that general practitioners are the gatekeepers to their business, many root canal procedures are undertaken by the general dentist. But what impacts the decision to make a referral? A new survey has examined the relationship between general practitioner and specialist, finding insights. Read more here.

The type of cancer stem cells, rather than the number, is a better predictor of the survival of patients with human papillomavirus (HPV)-related head and neck cancers (HNCs), according to a new study in Cancer. Previously, researchers thought patients with HPV-positive tumors had better outcomes because their tumors had fewer cancer stem cells than HPV-negative tumors. Read Feature Editor Donna Domino's article here.

When there are days with 8 inches of snow and a two-hour commute from one side of the city to another, for the safety of the patients and your team, the office sometimes does need to close down and elective procedures rescheduled, according to Dr. Sheri Doniger. Emergency treatments are another story, however. Read the latest Sheri's Solutions here.

What wavelength of laser do you use in your practice? Do your patients demand laser treatments? A new laser on the market may offer dentists the ability to use less anesthesia and have more control over patient treatment. Read more here.

Next week is the Chicago Midwinter Meeting. If you're going to be in Chicago, let me know. I'd love to hear your thoughts about dentistry, new products, and

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