DrBicuspid Study Club - left panel

2013 09 18 16 03 05 351 Rob Bay 135

Study Club Sessions

2013 09 18 16 03 05 13 Sheri Doniger 135   Healthy Team Management
with Sheri Doniger

Posted November 20, 2013

Henry Ford famously said:

"Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success."

Managing successful teams in a fast-paced dental environment requires a delicate balance of staying on task and managing team dynamics. In this study club session we’ll explore the intricacies of managing a team of assistants, hygienists and other DTMs successfully. We’ll also look at the role different management styles play, the impact they can have on DTMs, methods to build group unity and ways to improve.

2013 09 18 16 02 50 941 Malcmacher 135px   Botox Therapeutics for Orofacial Pain and Dental Esthetics with Dr. Malcmacher
Posted October 29, 2013

Botox (botulinum toxin) is a dental and facial therapeutic agent that has been used for dento-facial applications for the treatment of facial pain, dento-facial therapy, TMJ and occlusal dysfunction for close to twenty years. The use of Botox is taught in a number of prestigious dental universities and is one of the most underused dento-facial therapies which has tremendous potential to providing new services and better treatment outcomes in every dental practice.

Coming Soon

2013 09 18 16 03 05 351 Rob Bay 135   You still don't have a CFO
with Rob Bay, CPA

Using Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Rob will help dentists better understand what is actually happening in their practice. This presentation will use actual data from practicing dentists to determine potential and areas for improvement, save money and increas profits.


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