Will U.S. tax cosmetic dentistry? And, Medicaid doesn't guarantee oral health

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Is cosmetic dentistry facing the possibility of a federal "Botax"? Buried in the healthcare reform bills being debated by the U.S. Senate is a proposed 5% tax on cosmetic procedures. But so far no one can say for sure how -- or even if -- the tax might affect dentistry. Read more.

In clinical news, a study in the November 2009 Journal of the American Dental Association is casting new light on the argument that Medicaid coverage is critical to ensuring that underserved populations get the oral care they need. Researchers analyzed results of the 1999-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and found that kids who were covered by Medicaid did not have healthier teeth than equally poor kids who didn't have dental insurance. Read more.

Meanwhile, using erbium-chromium and diode lasers after implant surgery can reduce bacterial contamination and speed healing, according to a presentation at the recent American Academy of Dental Implant meeting. Read more.

And speaking of cosmetic dentistry, over on the Second Opinion page, Dr. Helaine Smith wonders why so many dentists are afraid to broaden their expertise and add Botox and other "new" procedures to their practices.

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