U.S. senator wants dentistry in Medicare; vibration speeds tooth movement

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

U.S. lawmakers continue to trudge forward with healthcare reform, some of which could dramatically affect the delivery of dental care and dental benefits.

In addition to the latest healthcare reform bill, which proposes among other things to tax "high-cost" dental plans provided by employers, U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller is calling for dentistry to become a covered benefit in Medicare. Is it history in the making? Read more.

In clinical news, an orthodontic device that uses vibration therapy to speed tooth movement in conjunction with conventional treatment is showing positive results in clinical testing at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Read more.

In other news, despite concerns of antibiotic overuse and superresistant biofilms, systemic disease experts speaking at the American Academy of Periodontology meeting last week said that dentists should not be so reluctant to prescribe antibiotics for patients with severe gum disease. Read more.

And our latest Coaches Corner contributor, Dr. Dan Kingsbury, reminds us that although it can be scary, change can often be just what we need to jump-start our lives and careers.

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