Editors' pick: The top 10 dental stories of 2008

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

With the new year just around the corner, what better time to sit back and reflect on the top dental stories of 2008?

And what a year it was. Sometimes the features our members liked most involved exciting new clinical or technology developments; other times it was a compelling human-interest piece or a heartbreaking court case that drew attention.

There were a number of important news events as well, from a new anesthesia-reversal drug to hygienists lobbying for the right to fill teeth; from the FDA's revised position on amalgam to the perils of sedation dentistry. Senior Editor Laird Harrison looked at the major news events in dentistry in 2008 and found some interesting trends.

And what would the last Letter from the Editor for 2008 be without a top 10 list? The editors of DrBicuspid.com reviewed hundreds of articles posted on the site to find our picks of the 10 most important and well-read stories of 2008:

  1. Christensen 'embarrassed' by U.S. dentistry
    When Gordon Christensen speaks, people in dentistry listen. This story was one of the most read -- and discussed -- stories to appear on DrBicuspid.com.

  2. Where dentists are lacking, M.D.s dive in
    While some debate the merits of "superhygienists," we found this story on M.D.s stepping in when dentists aren't available to be an intriguing solution to the problem of access to oral care.

  3. 7-year-old asphyxiates after extraction
    One of the most heart-wrenching stories of the year.

  4. Depression and dentistry: Are dentists more suicidal?
    The myths abound, and this article helps dispel many of them.

  5. Hispanics: The untapped market
    Not just an in-depth story on one of the fastest-growing segments of the dental market, but our first video news story as well.

  6. Tylenol and pain management: Know when to say when
    In this age of meds for just about every ailment imaginable, it is far too easy to forget that over-the-counter pain relievers are not always safe.

  7. Picture perfect x-rays
    This practical, "how-to" feature remains one of the most consistently read stories on the site.

  8. Patient swallows screwdriver, aspirates wrench
    Great headline for an incredibly sad series of events.

  9. Tooth tattoos immortalize loved ones and celebrities
    A dental lab owner in Utah gussies up posterior crowns with tattoos of pets, pigs, people, and personalities. What's not to like?

  10. What the candidates' smiles say about their personalities
    Another great blog entry from Helaine Smith, D.D.S., aka The Mouth Physician.

What were your favorite stories of 2008? Let us know or post your comments in the Forums -- we love the feedback!

Here's to a healthy and prosperous 2009!

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