UCLA accuser quits residency; dentists' use of science questioned

Dear DrBicuspid member,

This week we are reporting serious allegations against the orthodontics program at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). According to news reports, a resident who accused the program of demanding donations from applicants has resigned, citing retaliation. The story has significant implications for the dental residency programs around the country. Read about it here.

The UCLA case isn't the only place where dental education is being questioned these days. The ADA has launched a campaign to convince dentists they can -- and should -- make better use of scientific research. The organization is now backing the evidence-based dentistry movement, whose adherents advocate systematic reviews of scientific literature aimed at answering practical questions such as "When should I extract a third molar?" Our story discusses what advocates and critics have to say and offers a list of resources in case you want to give evidence-based dentistry a spin yourself. Learn more by clicking here.

Speaking of recent research, we also bring you two studies that will likely find themselves in someone's literature review one day. The first compared three types of digital sensors for accuracy in endodontic x-rays. If you're thinking of buying an x-ray system in the next few years, click here. In the other study, scientists in Belgium used a human cadaver head to compare the accuracy of cone-beam (CBCT) versus multislice CT (MSCT). So if you're interested in placing implants, click here. And if you're in the market for CBCT already, have a look at a new chart in which we compare systems.

These imaging reports live in our Imaging Community. Starting this month, you can get a "sneak peek" at our imaging news coverage on a regular basis by subscribing to the new DrBicuspid.com Imaging Insider e-mail newsletter. To opt in just click here.

And our news reports aren't the only great features we offer our members. DrBicuspid.com forums give you the opportunity to exchange tips and views with colleagues. One of the hottest has been a discussion on the pros and cons of amalgam. Take a look by clicking here.

And please keep your suggestions coming. We're already working on a report about bisphenol suggested by one of our members. We want to know what you want to know.

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