Toothless primaries; goodbye lidocaine

Dear member:

Call it the Great Dental Healthcare hunt. In this raucous, wide-open presidential election, everyone's talking about healthcare. But just about no one is talking about dental healthcare.

In the words of political reporter Salley Shannon, "it’s a yawning omission." For every American lacking general healthcare coverage, there are almost three with no dental coverage. Yet more and more studies are documenting the oral systemic connection, and how lousy dental care can result in lousy overall health. Dental healthcare policy will ultimately affect your bottom line, your patients' health, and yes, our overall economy.

Yet when we contacted the handlers managing their respective presidential candidates, none could tell us where their candidates stood on the issue. So Ms. Shannon sallied forth, digging through voting records and speeches, and talking to oral healthcare specialists to get an idea of where the candidates stand -- and how that may affect you. For the story, click here.

Numb and numberer

A local anesthetic is a boon -- until your patient no longer needs it. Then it's a bother, the patient suffering with numb cheeks, lips, and tongue, hours after a procedure is over. But good news is on the horizon -- maybe. Novalar Pharmaceuticals has created what could be the first local anesthetic reversal agent. Does it work and how well? Get the scoop here.

Case studies by you

You may have noticed our continuing "Case of the Week" feature in the upper right corner of our front page. Where do those cases come from? From academics, clinicians, and practicing dentists like you. Want to contribute and earn fame, fortune, and the everlasting gratitude of our readers? Click here for the details.

Cast your ballot

Everyone's doing it. Voting, that is. Before you cast that Super Tuesday vote, warm up with our reader survey. Your vote for what you like about DrB, what you don't, and more, will be lovingly collated and handed over to our editors, who will gnash their teeth and rend their garments...and then start making changes. Now's your chance to weigh in!

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