International implant group names new president

The International Team for Implantology (ITI), an academic organization dedicated to promoting evidence-based research and education in the field of implant dentistry, has elected Daniel Buser, D.D.S., as its new president. The elections were held at the ITI 2009 annual meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Dr. Buser is an oral surgeon and currently a professor, the chairman at the department of oral surgery and stomatology, and the executive chairman of the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Bern, Switzerland. Dr. Buser has been an ITI fellow since 1986 and has taken an active role in the organization's running since then. He has been a member of various ITI committees and has served on the ITI board of directors.

Dr. Buser follows outgoing President Dieter Weingart, who led the organization from 2005 to 2009. Weingart will assume the role of past president and will continue to serve on the ITI board until 2011.

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