Imaging Insider: Dental x-rays fall short for caries in baby teeth

Dear Imaging Insider,

Using dental x-rays to detect tooth decay in preschool-age children may be an unnecessary diagnostic step, according to a new study in BMC Oral Health.

Researchers from the University of SĂŁo Paulo School of Dentistry analyzed 4,383 proximal and occlusal surfaces of children's baby molars. About one-third of caries diagnoses made from dental x-rays conflicted with assessments using only oral exams. Learn more in this edition's Insider Exclusive.

On another note, have you talked to your patients about the importance of using mouthguards to protect against sports injuries? In recognition of National Facial Protection Month, Dr. Louis Rafetto, an oral surgeon and spokesperson for the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, spoke with about how to discuss these tools with families.

Also new in our Imaging Community, a study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health revealed that low bone mass may be associated with periodontal disease in middle-aged adults. About 40% of middle-aged patients with osteoporosis and 30% of middle-aged patients with osteopenia were at risk of developing periodontal disease.

Wouldn't it be ideal if there was a diagnostic tool that could help detect periodontitis sooner? Investigators recently found that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may aid in the early detection of gum disease. MRI depicted periodontitis-linked changes in the jawbones of patients prior to bone defects occurring.

In addition, researchers discovered that approximately 90% of dental injuries in trauma patients who undergo whole-body computed tomography scans are not described on initial radiology reports. Failing to recognize these injuries could affect patient outcomes.

Finally, people continue to turn to dermal fillers in the quest to appear ageless. Fortunately, imaging recently proved helpful in treating a woman with infections and a 15-mm lesion resulting from injection with a facial dermal filler.

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