Imaging Insider: The top reason you need a scanner now

Dear Imaging Insider,

Technology is constantly evolving. It is true that we either adapt with the times or we get left behind, both as individuals and businesses.

While at the Greater New York Dental Meeting, I was once again reminded how technology is impacting all of our lives as well as our industry. Walking the show floor with our clinical editor, Dr. David Rice, we came up with an idea for an article that comes straight from his heart and also gives a glimpse into how he does business in his upstate New York dental practice.

That idea turned into this month's Insider Exclusive, in which Dr. Rice tells you the top reason every dental practice should have an intraoral scanner. After working with young dentists throughout the U.S., Dr. Rice has a unique perspective, and I think you may be surprised at the reason he lists in his article.

In addition, I recently had the pleasure of talking to a Missouri dental assistant about how she has learned to become an asset with the intraoral scanner. It's an interesting podcast that gives the assistant's perspective on how important it is for the doctor and assistant to learn together and work as a team. Find out more by listening to the podcast.

Also in the Imaging Community, we reported that radiologists at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center's Naval Postgraduate Dental School in Bethesda, MD, failed to examine about 2,000 dental cone-beam CT scans during a seven-year period, resulting in at least one treatment delay. The story broke just before Thanksgiving, and you can read all about it.

Finally, we teamed up with our colleagues from on an article that asks the question, "What is the best way to overcome artifacts in patients wearing metallic orthodontic devices?" Learn what a recent study found out about the subject.

On behalf of the entire team, thank you for being an Imaging Insider! We're excited to see what advances await the industry in 2020 and beyond!

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