Week in Review: Is OCT an imaging option? Plus, insurance issues and cancellations

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Practitioners seeking to detect pathological changes in their patients' soft and hard oral tissue may find that optical coherence tomography works as well as -- or even better than -- cone-beam CT, according to a new study in Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology. Read more here.

Dental offices will always deal with no-shows, last-minute cancellations, and late arrivals. But your practice can keep no-shows to 1% or less with a well-conceived and consistently applied appointment confirmation system. And today there are automated confirmation services you can use, notes Dr. Roger P. Levin in his latest Practice Success tip. Read it here.

The ADA Health Policy Institute has released the findings of a new survey that focuses on how oral health impacts quality of life. The inaugural report found that nearly all U.S. adults value oral health, but only 37% actually visit the dentist annually. Read more here.

Consumers are paying more in premiums and co-payments for dental insurance than the benefits are worth, according to a new study from the ADA Health Policy Institute. But insurers say the study uses inflated data and flawed methodology. Read our story here.

While the diverging viewpoints between the ADA and the insurance companies on the value of dental insurance might be predictable, the debate points out clearly where the ADA stands on the issue. Where do you stand? Let us know in our Forums. Have a safe Father's Day weekend.

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