Carestream introduces Carestream Dental Institute

Carestream Dental announced the introduction of the Carestream Dental Institute, formerly known as the MasterWorks LearnCenter.

The institute, part of an initiative to expand training offerings to doctors and staff, incorporates live online training, self-paced content, hands-on seminars, and personalized onsite training.

"Digital technology is a rapidly growing field, but it's not without a learning curve," stated Melissa Whiteman, director of global educational development for Carestream Dental, in a press release. "Doctors who transition from paper charts to an electronic practice management system; switch from film radiographs to direct digital; or implement a cone-beam CT system within their office all require in-depth training and programs to ease the transition and maximize their capabilities."

The Carestream Dental Institute brings together employee, dealer, and customer training under one umbrella, according to the company.

For more information on the Carestream Dental Institute's training options, visit the website.

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