Gender plays a role in oral health risks; CBCT eases implant planning

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Is it better to be a man or a woman when it comes to oral dishealthease?

Dental researchers and anthropologists often characterize oral disease risks in behavioral terms. But two recent studies indicate that a complex mix of biological and cultural factors also play a role in determining increased propensity of caries in women and destructive periodontal disease in men. Read more in this latesy Restoratives Community feature.

In Imaging & CAD/CAM Community news, cone-beam CT (CBCT) is emerging as the standard of care in dental implant treatment planning. In fact, given CBCT's ability to create 3D images that contain key anatomical and morphological details, experts say it can significantly enhance the confidence of practitioners learning this procedure. Click here to read about the advantages this imaging modality brings to implant planning and other complex dental treatments.

And over in the Practice Management Community, three dentists who are also dental coaches outline what sets dental coaching apart from other forms of professional coaching, and how it can improve practice productivity, morale, and confidence. Read more.

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