CAD/CAM Insider: Researchers test materials' hardness, resistance to chipping

Dear CAD/CAM Insider,

Knowing the mechanical properties of CAD/CAM materials allows practitioners to choose the right ones for successful restorations. Researchers put four such materials through their paces to see which were the toughest and most resistant to chipping. Read our Insider Exclusive.

In other CAD/CAM news, questions remain about hybrid ceramic materials' ability to hold up under high masticatory forces. In a new study, researchers sought to analyze the fatigue damage that occurs with hybrid CAD/CAM composites.

Dentists are inundated with information about CAD/CAM and other new technologies, writes digital dentistry expert Christien Kopas. Should you embrace this technology? She offers a list of questions to ask yourself about the technology and how you will use it in your practice to help clarify the decision-making process.

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