Imaging Insider: CBCT shows aligner benefit to treating adult crowding

Dear Imaging Insider,

When patients with adult tooth crowding seek clear aligner treatment, creating space and improving their bone system are key markers of treatment success. Researchers used cone-beam CT (CBCT) to see if clear aligner treatment and interproximal enamel reduction benefited the mandible and maxilla. Read our Insider Exclusive.

Another recent review asked if CBCT was ready to be used in implant dentistry. Researchers examined published studies and provided up-to-date recommendations for its use. Read more here.

In other Imaging Community news, successful implant treatment requires imaging at all three treatment phases: planning, surgery, and follow-up. As ultrasound is a promising but not widely studied imaging modality for dental implants, researchers reviewed the literature and found it may have clinical application. Learn more here.

While early caries detection is a crucial component of patient care, traditional methods of detection may not be as accurate as necessary. In a presentation at the California Dental Association's CDA Presents 2018 meeting, Dr. Ron Kaminer walked a full lecture room through a practical presentation on imaging and other caries detection methods. Read more here.

Also in the Imaging Community, you'll find the following recent industry news:

  • Planmeca has announced that its Emerald intraoral scanner can be used for clear aligners from Ortho Caps.
  • Detection Technology has launched a new line of x-ray detectors.
  • A new association has launched that focuses on using teledentistry to increase access to care.

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