CAD/CAM Insider: Does CAD/CAM prep cause tooth volume loss?

Dear CAD/CAM Insider,

One concern when using CAD/CAM milled restorations for mandibular first molars is the potential loss of volume during preparation compared with conventionally fabricated restorations. But does this concern stand up to scrutiny? A new study put five types of restorations through their paces to find out. Read our Insider Exclusive.

In other CAD/CAM Community news, do digitized mucosal margins match the actual clinical presentation in patients? The results of a new study suggest they do. Researchers scanned and studied more than 250 implants and concluded that CAD/CAM appears to be a reliable tool for creating abutments. Learn more here.

If your practice has not upgraded to a newer milling unit, what can you do if you want to fabricate screw-retained, provisional implant resin restorations? Researchers tested the idea of using a compact milling unit to manufacture these restorations, and they presented their findings at the 2018 American Association of Dental Research (AADR) meeting in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Read more here.

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