CAD/CAM Insider: Can 3D-printed materials compete with provisionals?

Dear CAD/CAM Insider,

Do provisional restorations designed with CAD/CAM technology and output using 3D printing hold up in a patient's mouth, or should you stick with conventionally cured provisional materials? Read our Insider Exclusive.

In other CAD/CAM Community news, extractions don't have to be the equivalent of, well, pulling teeth. That's according to Dr. Sonia Leziy, an expert on implant and surgical protocols, who explains that better tools, techniques, and technologies such as CAD/CAM are making extraction and implantation smoother and quicker for patients and practitioners. Learn more here.

A busy exhibit hall and full sessions highlighted the first day of the 2017 ADA annual meeting. brings you a look at some of the notable industry projects, clinical sessions, and new CAD/CAM-compatible materials on display at the Georgia World Congress Center. Read more here.

Also in the CAD/CAM Community, you'll find the following recent industry news:

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