CAD/CAM Insider: New study measures displacement of zirconia crowns into implants

Dear CAD/CAM Insider,

When you are tightening a CAD/CAM-fabricated zirconia single-implant crown into an internal conical seal implant-abutment connection, you know there is going to be some displacement, but how much? The researchers of a new study measured this displacement and also asked if it's enough to affect the proximal contacts and occlusion of the prosthesis. Learn more here.

In other CAD/CAM Community news, what materials do you use for single-tooth, partial-crown restorations? Particle-filled composite resin CAD/CAM materials are a promising addition to practitioner's toolbox, but do they hold up over time? Researchers tested 42 partial-crown restorations over two years to see how well these restorations performed. Read more here.

Want to print teeth for your patients? Dentists discussed how 3D printing is changing dentistry at the recent 3DHeals 2017 conference in San Francisco. Printing teeth and dentures may be just beyond our capabilities at present, but as costs come down it will become a reality in the near future. Learn more here.

When creating restorations using a CAD/CAM process, practitioners want to use the strongest, most fracture-resistant material available. Researchers tested a mix of five contemporary CAD/CAM materials to find out which resisted fractures the best and presented their findings at the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) annual meeting. Read more here.

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