CAD/CAM Insider: Study measures time for in-office fabrication versus labs

Dear CAD/CAM Insider,

One question any office considering the purchase of a CAD/CAM system must ask is how much time will be saved during crown fabrication versus the traditional process. The more time an office can save, the more procedures it can schedule. Now, researchers have attempted to measure how long each process takes. Find out more in our Insider Exclusive.

In other CAD/CAM Community news, when it comes to fitting a restoration, the combination of an intraoral scanner and a CAD/CAM system offers a simplified production process compared with the conventional impression technique. But are these impressions of the same quality as ones created conventionally? A new study seeks to answer this question. Read more here.

Also in the CAD/CAM Community, you'll find the following recent industry news:

  • Biolase has announced a change in company management.
  • Old World Labs has introduced the Dentalith 3D printer for dental offices and labs.
  • Patterson Companies reported flat sales in its dental segment for the second fiscal quarter of 2017.
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