CAD/CAM Insider: A clinician's journey into the third dimension and implantology

Dear CAD/CAM Insider,

While replacing a single posterior tooth with an implant may be becoming more common, it is still a procedure that needs comprehensive preoperative planning, Dr. Anthony Ramirez writes. In the latest installment of his series on his journey into the third dimension, he details two case reports of computer-assisted guided implantology. Read more in our Insider Exclusive.

Also featured in the CAD/CAM Community, in part 3 of his series, Dr. Ramirez writes that the ultimate goal when treating a patient is not just "do no harm" but providing a holistically positive experience that ultimately fosters lifelong doctor-patient relationships. He shares his experience with offering computer-assisted implantology for his patients. Find out more here.

In other community news, the evolution of restorative dental technologies, materials, and imaging is more than just a history of drilling and filling, according to Dr. Douglas M. Schulz. With new materials and technology have come changes in practice time management, patient convenience, and marketing opportunities. Read our interview with him here.

The workflow for creating a computer-generated surgical guide to be used in dental implant surgery is often underutilized because of its traditionally complex workflow, according to Dr. Neal Patel. Today, newer technologies are available that offer an improved workflow and better patient treatment acceptance. Read his column here.

As with many practices, Dr. Meena Barsoum's orthodontic patients used to wrestle with impression making. Some patients feared the messy, uncomfortable process, and sometimes it had to be repeated, creating a disappointing experience for the patient. Now, the digital workflow has changed this process. He walks you through the evolution of this workflow and explains how it has increased his case acceptance. Read more here.

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