Restoratives Insider: Are your patients' habits ruining your work?

Dear Restoratives Insider,

Why do fillings fail, and does the type of material used matter? A new study found similar results with composite resin and amalgam but that smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol, as well as genetics, may affect success. These findings suggest that genetics could be used to personalize treatment in the future. Read our Insider Exclusive.

In other Restoratives Community news, extractions don't have to be the equivalent of, well, pulling teeth. That's according to Dr. Sonia Leziy, an expert on implant and surgical protocols, who explains that better tools, techniques, and technologies are making extraction and implantation smoother and quicker for patients and practitioners. Learn more here.

Thinking about adding silver diamine fluoride (SDF) to your caries treatment tool kit? A family dentist told a packed room at the recent 2017 ADA annual meeting in Atlanta that SDF needs the same thoughtful use and treatment planning as you would deliver with any treatment. Read more here.

When you are considering whether to remove carious tissue in your pediatric patients, evidence-based research suggests that you should make your clinical decision based on hardness and not on a tooth's discoloration, according to another presentation at ADA 2017. Learn more here.

Also in the Restoratives Community, you'll find the following recent industry news:

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