Restoratives Insider: New ACP guidelines recommend 6-month patient recalls

Dear Restoratives Insider,

According to newly issued guidelines from the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP), patients with tooth-borne restorations, either fixed or removable, should be seen for a clinical exam at least every six months for the rest of their lives. Read more here.

In other Restoratives Community news, today's dental landscape is being influenced and shaped by the integration of CAD/CAM and cone-beam CT imaging in the practice, including in the placement of restoratives. As Dr. Scott Pope writes, these new and advanced 3D digital technologies can provide significant advantages to the practitioner and deliver better care to our patients.

The first day of Chicago's 2016 Midwinter Meeting was attended by more than 28,000 in total, with new restorative products, full clinical sessions, and special events. See our slideshow of highlights here.

A new study shows a method to create a master cast for multiple implant treatment planning using digital technologies. Using these technologies can ultimately save time and money, the study authors noted. Read Assistant Editor Theresa Pablos' article here.

The American Academy of Implant Dentistry won another legal battle on January 21, when a U.S. district judge ruled that certain regulations of the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners restrict the academy's First Amendment right to free speech. Read our coverage here.

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