Golden Dental's $1.26M patent infringement award upheld

Golden Dental Solutions (GDS) announced that a $1.26 million award for patent infringement has been upheld by a U.S. district court.

The suit was filed against Jang Lim, doing business as Dental USA, for patent infringement for its Power Elevator extraction instruments, illegal selling and manufacturing counterfeit and defective Physics Forceps, and deceptively marketing its product as the new Physics Forceps to the dental community. The $1.26 million was awarded by an arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association and confirmed by Judge Laurie Michelson in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division.

"We are very pleased with the courts confirmation of our award today," said Jackie Golden, CEO of GDS, in a statement. "Defending our patented designs and methods enables us to protect our unique extraction system. We will continue to focus on providing dentists with great clinical products as bringing unconventional dental products to the market is what we do best."

Based in Detroit, GDS is the exclusive distributor of the Physics Forceps and the distributor for other dental instruments.

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