New biomaterial may rebuild enamel, reduce sensitivity

A new biomaterial paste may be able to rebuild worn enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity for an extended period, scientists from Taiwan report in a recent study published online in ACS Nano (December 8, 2014).

Tooth sensitivity is one of the most common complaints among dental patients, noted Chun-Pin Lin and colleagues from National Taiwan University, National Yang-Ming University, and National Cheng Kung University. While current treatments block the openings of tiny, porous tubes that are exposed when a patient's enamel degrades, these treatments do not stand up to the wear and tear of daily brushing and chewing, they added.

In seeking a more durable way to treat this condition, the researchers created a novel paste based on calcium and phosphorus. They applied the mixture to canine teeth and found that it plugged exposed tubes more deeply than other treatments. This depth could be crucial to repairing damaged enamel and providing longer-lasting relief from tooth sensitivity, the researchers concluded.

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