More dental labs documented materials quality in 2010

The IdentAlloy/IdentCeram Council shipped a record 17.6 million certificates for dental labs to use in documenting the content and quality of restorative materials last year, the council announced.

The 8% increase was driven by much greater interest among labs, dentists, and patients in the material content of dental restorations, said council director Charles Yenkner. Additionally, seven new companies have applied for and received licenses to use the council's materials verification system.

"Our goal is to enroll all the manufacturers and distributors of alloy and ceramic substructure materials into this voluntary, self-regulatory program," said David Sklarski, CEO of Sterngold and president of the IdentAlloy/IdentCeram Council, in a press release. "We are pleased with the continuing growth in council membership and the widening use of the certificates as a simple, positive way to verify material content for labs, dentists, and patients."

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