Delcam sales up 11% in 2008

Bucking what has become somewhat of trend in financial results in the dental industry of late, Delcam announced that it set a new sales record in fiscal 2008.

The CAD/CAM company, which sells into several industries including dental, reported sales of 32.9 million pounds ($46.7 million) for the fiscal year (end-December 31), an increase of 11% over the 29.7 million pounds ($42.2 million) recorded in 2007. Pretax profit rose to 2.26 million pounds compared with the 2.15 million pounds in 2007.

"The robust results achieved by the group over the past financial year reflect the high-quality software products that we continue to offer and the benefits of our diversified business, both in terms of our geographic reach and the many industries that we serve," said Delcam Chairman Peter Miles in a press release.

"The next two years are going to be difficult but also an opportunity. The favorable exchange rate, strong cash position, and high levels of predictable income present Delcam with a significant opportunity to increase our market share," he added. "During 2009, we plan to maintain our investment in product development and marketing to take advantage of the recovery when it comes, while continuing to exercise tight control over our day-to-day expenditure."

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