More than half of adults are self-conscious of their smile


More than half of adults report feeling as insecure today about their smile as they did when they were teens, according to survey results recently published by OnePoll on behalf of Smile Express.

The survey, which included 2,000 U.S. adults ages 25 to 45 years, reported that while 61% of respondents reported feeling insecure about their smile as teenagers, 52% were still uncomfortable as adults. The results also showed that many adults are still as insecure about their body shape and hairstyle as they were when they were teenagers.

More men than women -- 55% versus 49% -- reported feeling insecure about their smile. Additionally, only 30% of adult respondents said they usually stand in the front row when posing for a group photo. The survey also reported that 24% of respondents said they show their teeth when grinning.

Plus, many adults said they feel either anxious or stressed when posing for a selfie, with 48% of respondents reporting that it was their smile that caused them to feel this way. Half of the respondents also reported wearing braces in the past, with an average treatment duration of two years. However, 41% of the total respondents said they aim to have a better smile, with more also working toward better eyesight, improved fashion, and improved physical fitness.

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