Restoratives & Cosmetics Insider: Tips for opening back up the restorative side of your practice

Dear Restoratives & Cosmetics Insider,

We know that your dental practice has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We know that your patients and perhaps even some of your team members are concerned about the possible next steps for your business, as well as their safety when those next steps happen.

With all of that in mind, our clinical editor, Dr. David Rice, is ready to share with you how he believes dental practices should be rebuilding from the inside out, including how to reconstruct the restorative side of your business.

In our Insider Exclusive, Dr. Rice shares his thoughts on what the next few days and weeks could be like for his practice and potentially for yours as well. Additionally, he shares some changes he will be making in his business that may also be applicable to yours.

During a time when there are so many questions about what comes next, I'm thankful for dentists and team members who are willing to share their action plans with their colleagues. Learning from each other will hopefully help many avoid mistakes in the coming days.

Elsewhere in the Restoratives & Cosmetics Community, Dr. Alvin Danenberg discusses a recent case where a patient found him over the internet and they worked together to solve the source of the patient's pain and inflammation. It's a case of technology to the rescue in the age of COVID-19.

Also, we had an exclusive interview with a professor at the University of Arkansas who has studied how underdeveloped jaws caused by less chewing has kept teeth from fitting properly into mouths. His insights are fascinating and could be a game-changer.

Thank you for being a Restoratives & Cosmetics Insider! We hope you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy as our society begins to reemerge and the dental industry starts to reenergize.

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