Cosmetic Dentistry Insider: Aging reduces translucency of zirconia composites

Dear Cosmetic Dentistry Insider,

Teeth become more translucent as we age, but is the same true for uncolored zirconia ceramic restorations? Researchers put four of these restorative materials through an aging process to find out if their translucency changed over time and if these changes were noticeable to the human eye. Read our Insider Exclusive.

In other Cosmetics Community news, for patients with a severe malocclusion, orthodontic surgery can be very invasive. Can a novel developing technology that uses nanoparticles containing a deactivated form of collagenase to remodel oral tissue make this process less painful and more effective? Learn more here.

When you are confronted with a cosmetic dentistry or patient treatment dilemma, where do you turn for information to guide your treatment? Dr. Geoffrey A. Thompson told attendees at the 2018 Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting that applying evidence-based dentistry can help answer your questions. Read more here.

Knowing the translucency levels and masking properties of pressable ceramics can be useful for choosing the right material for an aesthetically pleasing restoration. To learn more, researchers studied the optical properties of one widely used lithium disilicate ceramic system and a newer feldspar ceramic material. Learn more here.

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