Delta Dental survey: 42% of pregnant women not seeing dentist

A new survey from Delta Dental found that 42.5% of pregnant women in the U.S. aren't visiting their dentist.

Delta Dental reminds women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant to visit a dentist for routine examination, cleanings, and guidance about specific oral health issues that may occur during pregnancy.

When visiting the dentist, pregnant women should ask about the following issues and concerns:

  • "Why do my gums bleed more easily when I'm pregnant?"
  • "What is the red lump that has developed along my gumline?
  • "Can I receive routine or emergency dental care during my pregnancy?"

"We know expecting mothers have a lot going on during this exciting time in their lives; making a routine trip to the dentist is one step that shouldn't be skipped," stated Bill Kohn, DDS, Delta Dental Plans Association's vice president of dental science and policy, in a release. "There are oral health issues that have a heightened risk of occurring during pregnancy; being aware and on top of these is key."

Additionally, women can learn more about dental care during pregnancy and how to protect their new baby's oral health at Delta Dental's pregnancy resource.

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