OSAP partners with Canadian Dental Association

The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) is collaborating with the Canadian Dental Association and its Journal of the Canadian Dental Association Oasis program to bring infection prevention resources to Canadian dental professionals.

John O'Keefe, BDentSc, MDentSc, MBA, Canadian Dental Association's director of knowledge networks and member of the OSAP board of directors, proposed the partnership, suggesting OSAP become a contributing organization for infection control. He is developing a team of experts in all clinical areas for JCDA Oasis, and plans to repackage question and answer portions of the Oasis Discussions blog into papers.

Nita Mazurat, DDS, an OSAP member, has been tasked with repurposing the information OSAP has gathered and responded to over the years through frequently asked questions by its members, to ensure the content is applicable and consistent with Canadian needs.

One of the major challenges for infection prevention and control in Canada is lack of a central venue to share information, Dr. Mazurat noted.

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