DrBicuspid.com Hygiene Insider

Dear Hygiene Insider,

Numerous studies have shown that obese patients may be at an increased risk for periodontal disease. Now a new study in the Journal of Dental Research has found that tracking adiposity changes in men may help in predicting their risk of periodontitis progression.

Read more in this latest Hygiene Insider Exclusive.

In other Hygiene Community news, using a more accurate approach to assessing the extent of periodontal disease in U.S. adults, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that previous data severely underestimated the prevalence of periodontal disease in this population. Click here to read more.

Meanwhile, dental therapists could dramatically improve access to care via school-based programs run by federally qualified health centers and increase the capacity of these centers to provide dental care to many more children, according to a report by the Pew Center on the States.

Also, in response to criticism of the ADA's recent studies on the economic viability of midlevel providers, ADA President Dr. William Calnon called on the dental community to move beyond its disagreement over workforce issues and work together to ensure optimal oral health for all. Click here to learn more.

And Dr. John Comisi, an ADA member and a practicing dentist for nearly 30 years, wrote that the association's studies should be applauded for spotlighting issues related to the business of dentistry in the current economic climate. Read more.

Over in Iowa, dental assistants and hygienists may be allowed to perform five additional functions -- including placing amalgam and composite fillings and stainless steel crowns -- under a proposal from the Iowa Dental Association being considered by the state dental board.

And a study published in the May issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association is being retracted in the September issue after the editors learned that certain critical information about the study was not disclosed prior to publication. Click here to read more.

On the clinical front, the dental community is becoming increasingly aware of the link between chronic periodontitis and the risk of oral and head and neck cancers. But more research is needed to better understand the etiology of these cancers and develop more effective treatments, said Dr. Mine Tezal, a leading researcher in this field.

And the benefits of sugar-free gum for caries prevention have been well documented; now a new study has found that sugar-free chewing gum used as an adjunct to toothbrushing may provide a small but significant reduction in plaque.

Also, triclosan, an antibacterial chemical commonly used in toothpaste, mouthwash, hand soaps, and other personal care products, has been found to hinder muscle contractions at a cellular level, according to a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. But some experts question the study's methodology. Read more.

Finally, the New York City Board of Health has approved a measure proposed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg to ban the sale of large sodas and other sugary drinks at restaurants, street carts, and movie theaters. Click here to find out more.

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