DrBicuspid.com Hygiene Insider

Dear Hygiene Insider,

A study in the Journal of the American Dental Association that measured the long-term effect of six spray disinfectants on nine common types of dental office surfaces found that Birex SE had better blood removal scores across time than other tested products.

The study also found that enameled metal and smooth and textured vinyl surfaces became harder to clean over time.

How did the other surfaces and disinfectants perform? And is covering surfaces more effective than disinfecting them?

Read more in this latest Hygiene Insider Exclusive.

In other Hygiene Community news, for more than a century doctors have proposed that periodontal disease leads to systemic problems such as heart disease. But statements that imply a cause-and-effect link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease are "unwarranted," according to a recent statement published by the American Heart Association that has some dental professionals gnashing their teeth.

And in response to an editorial by Dr. Jay Friedman that raised questions about the American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA) advanced dental hygiene practitioner model, ADHA President Pam Quinones defends the model's goals and educational requirements.

Meanwhile, independent practice dental hygienists in Maine claimed victory with new legislation that allows them to take a broad range of x-rays in federally designated underserved areas of the state as part of a new pilot project designed to address the state's severe access-to-care issues. Read more.

On the clinical front, when it comes to occupational exposure to infectious biological material, the type of injuries that dental students most often report are those that involve the presence of perforation associated with saliva or blood contact, according to a study presented at the American Association for Dental Research meeting (AADR). Click here to read more.

And another study presented at the AADR meeting found that the essential oils in Listerine Antiseptic penetrate plaque biofilm better than competing mouth rinses that rely on other active ingredients.

Also, adjunctive use of an Nd:YAG laser does not enhance periodontal maintenance care programs compared with scaling and root planing alone, according to a study to be presented at the upcoming International Association for Dental Research annual meeting in Brazil. Read more.

And older adults who get thorough dental cleanings may be somewhat less likely to have a heart attack or stroke than their peers who are less careful about oral hygiene, suggests a new study in American Journal of Medicine.

Finally, the governor of Kansas has signed a new law that expands the scope of duties for dental hygienists, and Tennessee now allows licensed dental hygienists to practice under the supervision of a registered dentist in authorized public health programs. Click here and here for details.

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