Survey: Canadian oral health habits could improve

Do teeth win over toned abs? According to the third annual Crest and Oral-B Great Canadian Smile Survey, Canadians rank the smile as the most important attribute when determining attractiveness in others -- more than twice as important as physical fitness.

However, in today's time-pressed culture, oral care falls to the back burner. While Canadians place great importance on the value of a healthy-looking smile, only 30% follow the dentist-recommended, at-home oral care routine of brushing, flossing, and rinsing.

What's holding Canadians back? Nearly 25% say they can't be bothered, and 20% say they don't have the time.

Additional results from the Crest and Oral-B Great Canadian Smile Survey

  • 90% of Canadians consider their smile to be an essential part of their overall appearance.
  • 60% of Canadians say having their dental professional's approval on their oral health is extremely or very important, but are not taking the steps to impress them by taking care of their teeth and gums at home.
  • Canadian women are twice as likely to follow a dentist-recommended oral care regimen than men (34% versus 14%).

For the study, a national sample of Canadian consumers was randomly selected from TNS Canada's Internet research panel and invited to complete an online survey. In total, 511 panel members completed the questionnaire between November 30 and December 6, 2011.
The survey data were weighted to reflect the demographic distribution of Canadian consumers.

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