Mobile app educates kids on oral health

Orca Health has developed the KidsDental App, designed to teach young users about basic tooth care.

The KidsDental App is divided into four sections:

  1. Explore: Takes advantage of Orca's 3D engine to enable 360-degree examination, with full zoom, of the jaw and teeth

  • Conditions: Uses animation and interactivity to teach users about caries, early tooth loss, abscessed teeth, broken teeth, late loss of teeth, and periodontal disease
  • Learn: The touch interface of the iPad is used to learn to floss and brush, understand the impact of healthy foods on dental health, and practice brushing and other good habits
  • My Teeth: A customizable section that allows children and their parents to input data about their teeth and significant events, such as losing their first tooth, into a calendar. They can also use emoticons to select "How they feel" about a given event. Additionally, users can take and share pictures via email.
  • The KidsDental App is available for free from the iTunes App Store.

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