AGD responds to Pew report on ER dental care

The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) said the Pew Center on the States' new report highlighting the increasing number of Americans visiting hospital emergency rooms (ERs) to receive dental treatment misidentifed the reasons that patients land in ERs.

According to the AGD, Pew places blame on a supposed shortage of dentists, when in reality dentists are ready and waiting to treat and help new patients. Pew claims that the number of dentists and the dentist-to-population ratios are declining, but the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) has projected increases, the AGD noted. And while Pew claims that families struggle to find a dentist who either practices in their area or accepts Medicaid patients, cancellations and no-shows by Medicaid patients are high, according to the AGD.

"The real solution is education," said AGD president Howard Gamble, DMD, FAGD. "Many patients are unaware of the many connections between their oral health and overall health, so they may avoid seeking available care on a regular basis. It is critical for professionals in dentistry and other healthcare fields to work together to educate the public."

Oral health organizations must also work together to improve Medicaid, he added.

"The AGD also believes that we must focus on community efforts to connect patients to dentists," said Dr. Gamble. "We must work together to promote an infrastructure that educates and builds a strong relationship for communication."

The AGD asked Pew and other organizations to stop the divisive messages and instead stand with the AGD and other dental organizations to work with the profession, the public, governmental entities, and other organizations to promote solutions.

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