Global toothpaste market to reach $12.6B by 2015

The global market for toothpaste is expected to reach $12.6 billion by 2015, according to a new report from Global Industry Analysts (GIA). Toothpastes and oral care products aimed at children will have particularly high growth potential, the report contends.

Market drivers include multifunctional and whitening toothpastes, product innovations, rising population levels, and greater awareness about oral hygiene, the market research firm asserts. The report also cited the advent of new biotechnologies that help curb problems of sensitivity and enable the regrowth of teeth as a new phase of the market.

Nearly 97% of the population in developed countries uses at least one variety of toothpaste, leaving virtually no space to expand the market with new users, according to GIA. Consequently, adding or increasing value to the product is the preferred alternative. Technological progress made in recent years altered the toothpaste segment into one that offers additional benefits such as fresher breath, healthier gums, and whiter teeth, besides just fighting cavities.

GIA found that the global market for functional personal care products -- including toothpastes and toothbrushes -- weathered the recession much better than firms with specialty skin care products. The already mature market for oral care in the U.S. experienced a slight decline in value sales, while the category of toothpaste witnessed about 1% to 2% decline in sales in 2008 and 2009.

Interestingly, the report found that demand for certain value-added products -- such as power/electric toothbrushes -- exhibited a rise in 2009 as consumers showed more interest in products that eased their oral hygiene schedule, despite high prices.

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