Lares launches soft-tissue diode laser

2009 03 04 10 47 33 244 2009 03 04 Lares Xd2

2009 03 04 10 47 33 244 2009 03 04 Lares Xd2
The XD-2 diode laser. Image courtesy of Lares Research.
Lares Research has introduced the XD-2 diode laser, a portable laser system intended for soft-tissue procedures, according to the company.

With 7 watts of peak power, XD-2 is designed for procedures such as frenectomies, gingivectomies, crown lengthening, papillectomies, gingivoplasty, treatment of aphthous ulcers, removal of diseased tissue within the periodontal pocket, photocoagulation, soft-tissue curettage, and laser-assisted whitening.

At just over 2 lb, the compact, handheld laser is a good choice for clinicians making their first laser purchase, the company said.

The laser is manufactured by Fotona, a European manufacturer of all-tissue dental lasers.

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