Week in Review: Titanium and peri-implantitis | Responsible ownership | Easing kids' dental pain

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

While you might know that titanium exposure and scaling have become suspects in the worsening of peri-implantitis, the actual concentration of titanium in tissues surrounding an implant remains unclear. To learn more, researchers examined the titanium contained in tissue from patients with severe peri-implantitis. Read more here.

We're pleased to bring you an excerpt from Alex Zlatin's new book Responsible Dental Ownership. Zlatin, a consultant and the CEO of a dental software company, details the practical challenges any current or future practice owner faces. In this excerpt, he focuses on finding the right place to maximize talent and enthusiasm. Learn more here.

A combination of nitrous oxide and ibuprofen may help dull the pain of children undergoing vital pulp therapy for irreversible pulpitis. A new study found that the combination significantly bolstered children's pain relief compared with those who received ibuprofen alone. Read more here.

Maybe you've wondered what it would be like to open your own practice. In short, what does it take to go from being someone who knows little about business to someone who is an expert? Practice management consultant Jen Butler offers seven concepts to help you go from business cupcake to badass. Learn more here.

Finally this week, if you are among the hundreds of readers who have already voted in our Dental Excellence Awards, thank you. If you're not, well, what are you waiting for? You can help determine the best new products and services in 11 categories in our annual balloting. Start voting here.

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