ADA offers e-book for dentists on social media

The ADA has created an e-book, The ADA Practical Guide to Social Media Planning, First Edition, to assist dentists in using social media.

This new offering is designed to help dental professionals understand how to successfully integrate social media into their communications and marketing plans, according to the ADA.

The book includes the following:

  • How social media impacts business, and why it's important to participate
  • Business-focused social media planning tips
  • Best practices that can be applied to any social media platform
  • Tips on how to manage a professional reputation on social media sites
  • ADA resources to use on social platforms
  • Helpful links for beginners
  • A goal-planning worksheet and content-calendar template

The guide is priced at $9.95 for ADA members and $14.95 for nonmembers. The book is available for download on

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