1-800-DENTIST gives online reputation advice

1-800-DENTIST is offering dental practitioners a free white paper, "Dealing with Patient Reviews: The Dentist Guide to Online Reputation."

The report outlines how to monitor your online presence and provides a four-step approach for responding to negative reviews online, according to the company.

Dentists can receive their free copy by taking a 10-minute online demo of ReputationMonitor, a new tool that displays reviews, social media, and directory listings from hundreds of major sites, all on a single screen.

1-800-DENTIST's white paper also reveals some trends about how consumers are using reviews when selecting healthcare professionals. It explains the mechanics of the most common reviews sites and provides tips for soliciting positive patient reviews. It also gives dentists a step-by-step guide to dealing with negative feedback, with important dos and don'ts and specific language to diffuse online grievances.

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