Experience Dentistry offers software for secure dental data sharing

Experience Dentistry has introduced ED 3.0, Web-based dental software designed to help dentists and specialists reduce their liability when exchanging patient data.

Dental professionals and their patients are at risk when sending records via unencrypted email, so Experience Dentistry developed this software as service for dental professionals to enable secure, HIPAA-compliant data sharing with colleagues and patients, according to the company.

Dentists can purchase ED 3.0 to complement existing client-based practice management software for remote file transfer or use it independently as Web-based software.

Experience Dentistry subscribers communicate with their patients and colleagues remotely by uploading digital records to the cloud application and sharing the secure access, saving time and money, as swell avoiding miscommunication.

Premium subscribers can add, upload, save, and share patient data, including treatment summary, digital x-rays, digital photographs, estimates, appointment information, and referral introductions. Administrators may assign file access to a referral office and add appointments for patients.

While providing a digital record for all parties involved, the data is backed up, encrypted, and time and date stamped. Additionally, patients and practitioners can exchange secure and private correspondence within Experience Dentistry's Network DDS direct messaging system.

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