Idaho dental association endorses ProSites

The Idaho State Dental Association (ISDA) has selected ProSites as the website services provider for its 800 members.

ProSites offers website design specifically tailored to the needs of dental professionals and was the first website provider to offer a content management system (CMS) for the dental community that allows users to log in and modify their websites, according to the company.

Its customizable websites include interactive features such as a Smile Analysis page, dental videos, and online appointment request forms.

In addition to website design, ProSites also offers its customers search engine optimization, local search marketing, and social networking services.

"The importance of having a professional website is undeniable," stated Greg Bengtson, DDS, president of the ISDA, in a press release. "The ISDA analyzed numerous website design firms, seeking the top provider in the industry. Facts indicate ProSites offers the most effective and powerful websites for our members."

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