New book offers dental marketing advice

A new book for dentists -- Web 3.0: What Every Dentist Must Know to Thrive in the New Economy -- has been published by Colin Receveur, founder and CEO of SmartBox Web marketing.

Dentists need to ask themselves how they can succeed whether the economy is bad or good, according to Receveur.

"Not every dental practice is going through rough times, and many are absolutely full of new patients," he stated in a press release. "What's the difference?"

Many dentists view marketing as a discretionary expense, according to Receveur. But he argues that if dentists take advantage of decreased competition in the marketing arena, they can take a dominant position to capture new patients.

The trick, he claims, is to know what provides the biggest return on investment and how to communicate your expertise.

Receveur's book shows dentists how to use websites, search engine optimization, social media, mobile marketing, and pay-per-click advertising to reign in "searchers" and give them a reason to call your practice.

"Marketing should be an investment in the bottom line, not an expenditure to be cut," he said.

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