Net32 adds user-comment feature to shopping website

Net32, a website that offers industry-specific comparison shopping for thousands of dental products, has released a commenting feature on more than 80,000 product pages that allows dentists to provide feedback on any aspect of their comparison shopping experience, including opinions on usability, products, and vendors.

"To learn more about online habits of dentists, we recently undertook a social technographics survey of our 39,000 customer base," said Pat Cassidy, CEO of Net32, in a press release. "The results of the survey provided many insights, including an overwhelming number of dentists who enjoyed providing product and vendor reviews."

The Net32 commenting feature provides a place for exactly that, he added, plus it allows customers to interact and collaborate with one another on other topics of their choice.

"The commenting feature also supports our core belief that any efforts to increase feedback or transparency in the shopping experience are always beneficial to our customers, whether they are first-time visitors or longtime users," Cassidy said.

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