Dental integrators group adds Fla. tech firm

The Dental Integrators Association (DIA) has added a Florida company to its group of technology firms that provide computer integration services to dental practices, according to a company press release.

DentalPC is a dental computer technology firm that provides Web and graphic design services, as well as digital x-ray installations and setup.

"Being a part of an organization that allows our business to grow and share ideas with other dental integrators is extremely important to us," said DentalPC owner Clay Archer. "We look forward to sharing the insights we have gained over our 15 years serving the dental community."

DIA President Jeffrey Weiss noted that members must pledge to uphold DIA's standard of care, which promises quality, responsive service to its clients. DIA has more than 25 independent technology firms in the U.S. that provide computer technology integration services to dental practices.

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