Officite, Glidewell create antisnoring online tools

Officite is partnering with Glidewell to offer dentists a turnkey website and Google local search program for Glidewell's new antisnoring device, the aveoTSD.

Available to patients only by prescription from a dentist or physician, the aveoTSD increases airway space by preventing the tongue from falling back in the throat, reducing air velocity and soft-tissue vibrations, thereby reducing snoring, according to the companies.

"An estimated 80 million people in the United States are affected by chronic sleep disorders," said Jim Shuck, Glidewell vice president of sales and marketing, in a press release. "Patients are searching the Web for snoring solutions, making it critical for any dentist offering treatment for snoring to have a strong online presence and a focused search marketing strategy that yields new patient leads."

The new turnkey package is designed to promote the aveoTSD at the exact moment a patient is searching for snoring treatment in your local area, according to Glenn Lombardi, president of Officite.

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