Free online resource aids implant identification

Have you ever looked at a patient's radiographs and asked: What implant is that? A free online resource,, has been launched to address this growing problem.

"There are hundreds of implant companies with thousands of implants," said Kent Howell, D.M.D., who cocreated the site with fellow Ohio dentist Nate Farley, D.D.S. "Patients are more mobile than ever before, so we are often restoring implants we did not treatment plan."

The Web site has a large database of implant radiographs linked to characteristics of those implant images. Doctors or staff can take a patient's radiograph and compare it against images on the site.

Through describing the characteristics of the patient's implant, dentists can filter through the many images in the database. Once the right implant is found, dentists can access additional information about it, such as the proper driver size, links to the manufacturer's Web site and catalogues, and additional images.

If you are interested in helping to build the database, visit the Web site for ideas on how to participate.

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